ALERT MEGA ALERT A Prophecy Alert! Collapse Reported on Temple Mount in Israel!

ALERT MEGA ALERT A Prophecy Alert! Collapse Reported on  Temple Mount in Israel!


Turkish media reported earlier this week that a portion of the Temple Mount platform near the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem’s Old City has collapsed, “creating a serious safety hazard and a possible threat to the stability of the Islamic structure,” Israel Today reported Tuesday.

If the report is accurate, it would be the second serious collapse on the Temple Mount in the past five years, caused by “deliberate Israeli action” to bring down the mosque so that the Jewish Temple can be rebuilt, the report said.

Experts have warned for years that the construction projects being carried out by Muslims atop the Temple Mount are destabilizing the structure, and many believe it is only a matter of time before it collapses completely.

Some fear such a collapse could occur during Ramadan, when upward of 100,000 Muslims gather atop the Temple Mount for prayer, Israel Today reported.

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聖殿山(希伯來語:הַר הַבַּיִת,阿拉伯語:الحرم القدسي الشريف‎)是位於耶路撒冷舊城的宗教聖地。 聖殿山是猶太教最神聖的地方。猶太人的耶路撒冷聖殿就位於此處:第一聖殿建於前967年,前586年被摧毀;第二聖殿建於前515年,公元70年被摧毀。猶太教一般還相信,這裡還將是彌賽亞到來時重建第三聖殿的地點。目前聖殿山準確位置也還不清楚,猶太人認為聖殿山就是現在阿克薩清真寺的位置。但是阿拉伯人認為,猶太人的說法很荒謬,因為猶太人從來沒有提供有效的證據來證實聖殿山就是現在阿克薩清真寺的位置。 伊斯蘭教2個重要的宗教聖地位於聖殿山:圓頂清真寺(建於690年)和阿克薩清真寺(建於710年)。聖殿山是世界上最具爭議性的宗教聖地之一。在1948年到1967年約旦統治東耶路撒冷期間,不允許以色列人進入耶路撒冷舊城。在1967年以色列佔領了東耶路撒冷,限制巴勒斯坦西岸地區的人進入耶路撒冷。巴勒斯坦與以色列對這個地方的主權爭議,一直是阿以衝突的關鍵因素。