天主教會在數以千計的色情/撒旦/黑魔法書背後 - 德國第二大出版商由天主教全資擁有!ch!

2011-11-06 00:00

Catholic Church behind thousands of Pornographic/Satanic/Black Magic Books - 2nd Largest German Publisher owned in full by Catholic Church! 


Besides the horrendous raping of children by Catholic Priest over decades and the Church hiding it, yet fully knew Priest were molesting/raping children.... Now it is being found the wholly owned by the Catholic Church, 2nd largest publishing (1st is Amazon) company in Germany has been distributing and selling Pornographic, Satanic and Black Magic books with those at the top's full knowledge.


The top Bishops are saying "They didn't know." But it is uncovered they did know, because many told them in 2008 and they ignored it.


The absolute hypocrisy of the Catholic Church is disgusting. They act like they are spiritual, yet behind the scenes they rape children and take full advantage of them in their authority positions and now it is being found they distribute pornographic material to help degrade people and keep them in a lower vibration.


At what point will people realize Churches are used to actually control people? If people look within and understand themselves and Who we are to All then they will realize Church is not needed to "control" what we think about ourselves spiritually. 

The fact the Catholic Church has books they sell and publish that are of the lowest vibrations, that shows they are not trying to raise people up in vibrations but lower them for control. 

What is the Catholic Church doing publishing books that promote satanism and black magic? 

Why are they promoting Satanism? That is pure evil! 

I believe the Church has a lot to answer for regarding this! But will they? Except out right lie and deny it!